
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Now Hiring

Currently seeking a STOTT trained or certified instructor in mat, equipment/apparatus (i.e. Reformer/Cadillac/Chair/Barrel)

Studio likes to maintain a very intimate atmosphere, therefore no more than 2 trainers conducting sessions at once!

Days and hours to be determined

Position is for independent contractor, wages will be based on a percentage scale depending on experience

• Must be comfortable generating clients on their own
• Must be comfortable selling their services to potential clients
• Teaching availability including weekend and evening times

If interested please submit your resume to

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pilates Principles/Beginner Mat (90 min) Workshop

$30.00 pp

Monday Night January 24th / 6:00 - 7:30 pm

This workshop is ideal for students who are new to Pilates or repeat Beginners who feel they need a review of the 5 Pilates Principles. The workshop will begin with a 45 minute review of the 5 Pilates Principles; this will include breathing, pelvic placement, rib cage placement, shoulder stabilization, head and neck placement. This review will help the client get a better understanding of their own body awareness to get the most benefit during their workout (whether Mat or Equipment). Following with a 45 minute Beginner Level Mat workout to help solidify the understanding of the Principles as well as understanding how the exercises are performed in conjunction with the Principles being applied. Understanding of the Principals also helps reduce potential injuries that may occur without the proper knowledge ahead of time. All students who attend the workshop would be able to skip the Beginner Mat series and directly enroll in the Essential Level Series.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Recieve an additional 15% off any Pilates private packages with purchase of Nutritional Workshop

Get that extra edge on that New Years Resolution. Combining healthy nutrition with proper exercise accelerates fitness achievements, and unlocks your bodies true potential! So don't wait...grab your spot and enjoy 15% off your next Pilates package!
It's the perfect compliment to your pilates regiment!

*This special offer can not be combined with other discounts

Nutritional Workshop (90 min ea.) ~ $125.00 per person ($25 per class)

5 week series: Jan 15th - Feb 12th/ 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Topics that will be presented and discussed are:

*This workshop will be an ongoing series repeated throughout the year. If you have to miss a class..No can catch the missed subject the next time around at no charge!!

Week 1: Nutrition Basics- cover the basic building blocks of nutrition. Carbohydrates, protein, fats. etc...

Week 2: Nutrition and diseases-causes and prevention of common diseases such as diabetes (type I & type II), hypertension, gluten intolerance, food allergies.

Week 3: Diets-most common, what works, what doesn't, why, maintain healthy weight, body composition.

Week 4: Supplements-cover vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, remedies

Week 5: Healthy Cooking -recipe makeovers, food substitutions, grocery store shopping tips, reading food labels.

Workshop is Instructed by Angie Mitchell of

NorthWest Nutrition Consulting

For more information email Angie Mitchell directly at: